Thursday, August 5, 2010

Week of August 1

This blog is inspired by a woman my age (62) who is training to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro next month. Her name is Marlene...and she is tenacious and very inspiring, and I wish her the very best in her adventure.
I have started over so many times in my life...let's hope this new start will stick. For the previous year, I've done basically far as excercise. Just walking from the living room to the kitchen has been a chore.
My husband and I moved here to the high desert one year ago. It's been an adjustment getting use to the altitude, which is around 4200 feet.
After coming home from a trip back east, and feeling inspired, I decided it was time to start living again...and get moving!
On Monday I drove to the Marina and walked all the way around...which people say is one mile...but it felt like 5. I had to stop twice, and my left foot started to complain a little, but I made it.
Tuesday, Dan (my husband) and I walked up the street in our neighborhood. We took the dog, which was a mistake...too much sniffing and pulling at the leash. But we did manage almost a mile.
Wednesday, Dan and I walked (sans dogs) up the street and made it a mile. The bunyan on my left foot didn't like it much...but we felt good. It was shady and there was a lovely breeze.
Thursday we took the dogs off leash and walked the trail behind our apt. complex. It was a good walk, but no shade and too late in the morning...a little warm. Thought our little Buster would never stop panting...poor thing.
We hope to do walking twice a day once we get going a bit. For variety...we're also hoping to swim as well.
For two couch potatos...this is a great start.


  1. Yay. Cool Mom. I'll have to keep checking this out for updates.


    P.S. I have no idea why google thinks my name is Frank. :-)

  2. Hey, Barbara! Way to go, girl. It's nice to know I inspired you to do this. I am now a follower of your blog but have no idea why I appear twice. These things have a mind of their own, don't they? Keep up the good work!!

  3. Thanks, Ange, Tim and Marlene! I am so motivated!
