Friday, August 27, 2010

Nevada Territory (State) Fair

This afternoon Dan and I went to the Fair. We did a fair amount of walking around even though it isn't like continuous walking.

There were a lot of interesting old time wild west items, including a fair amount of cowboys, gun slingers and civil war men and women.

We had to admit we were disappointed in the whole thing...not nearly as comprehensive as even the Albion Fair! Shocking, I know.

One of the things I really wanted to see was the Calvary stampede and Mexican Dance Horses. It was so disorganized nothing happened.

However, after waiting in the stands for the horse show we decided to go down and look at the displays on the arena floor. The first thing I wanted to do was go into the tepee. The woman inside told us all about how her husband set it up, which was interesting. And they were actually living in it while the Fair was going on.

It was fun to see how ingenious the Native Americans were. We even learned how when it rains the inside doesn't get wet...neat engineering trick!

This little lady and her human were fun to see up close. We even got to hear her bray...hee haw!

We are swimming tonight...lots of exercises in the water.

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