Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hiking the hill

So, last night we hiked the hill behind our apt. We went just before dusk, so it was plenty light out. And, we walked it counter clockwise...so our view was totally different. Took us about 35 minutes, and we're estimating it's a little over a mile. Neither of us wanted to go, but we both felt better after wards!
We should have taken the camera because we saw at least a half dozen black tailed hares. Some were as big as medium sized dogs!
This morning I took Dan to work and drove to the Marina. I took a different route there too. Only walked about 15 minutes, but it was good. The brisk morning air was only 51 degrees, perfect for walking.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Counting chickens...

before they're hatched...so here's my new resolution...don't say "what I'm gonna do"...wait till I've done it to post!

Last night Dan and I walked a mile up the street. It was chilly...perfect weather for walking! Besides my treadmill walk it's the first mile since my spill. It was too dark, so we resolved to walk earlier in the evening so no more spills!

My right quad is getting stronger! Yay!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mirror mirror at the gym

OMG...I've got to go there more often just to look at that "heavy set" woman! Couldn't believe the image I saw was ME! It's funny but when your inside your body looking out...you don't feel as big as you are...

To close out the week yesterday, we started walking outside but it was chilly and very windy, so I went to the workout room here in the apt. complex. Treadmills aren't my favorite thing, but I walked 23 minutes. Didn't have my glasses, but it was probably a mile. I broke a sweat...so that's good.

Tut tut it looks like rain today...and too chilly for a swim...so I'm going to do the treadmill again, only this time try for more minutes. I also discovered some fun workout shows on TV...so that's a good possibility for variety. Don't want the workout to become monotonous.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Nevada Territory (State) Fair

This afternoon Dan and I went to the Fair. We did a fair amount of walking around even though it isn't like continuous walking.

There were a lot of interesting old time wild west items, including a fair amount of cowboys, gun slingers and civil war men and women.

We had to admit we were disappointed in the whole thing...not nearly as comprehensive as even the Albion Fair! Shocking, I know.

One of the things I really wanted to see was the Calvary stampede and Mexican Dance Horses. It was so disorganized nothing happened.

However, after waiting in the stands for the horse show we decided to go down and look at the displays on the arena floor. The first thing I wanted to do was go into the tepee. The woman inside told us all about how her husband set it up, which was interesting. And they were actually living in it while the Fair was going on.

It was fun to see how ingenious the Native Americans were. We even learned how when it rains the inside doesn't get wet...neat engineering trick!

This little lady and her human were fun to see up close. We even got to hear her bray...hee haw!

We are swimming tonight...lots of exercises in the water.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mrs. Humpty Dumpty

Oh for crying out loud...last night while finishing our walk, I took a spill while trying to step up onto the curb (so much for climbing Kilo) :-)

After Dan literally picked me up, helped me inside and bandaged by boo boos I went to bed thinking "hope I didn't break anything"! I'm fine...just a few scrapes and bruises. Jeeze...

So...turns out the shortness of breath may not just be the altitude. I've got a stress test coming up to determine what's going on with the ticker. In the meantime...diet, diet, diet and more walking...or perhaps tonight a swim...as it is kinda hot out.

Doc says a cortisone shot might do the trick for this tricky hip. Good news.

I printed out my goal list from yesterday and posted it on my mirror. Also been researching some food plans and found the "low glycemic" one might be perfect. It's a matter of "eating this, and not that", more than just not eating, so I like it! Portion control is not such a problem, as is eating the wrong food. So yay!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Not so fast...

I'll just walk a little slower
but I will walk
nothing can stop me now.

Not quite a poem...but feeling poetic...and once again motivated. I wonder, does motivation come and go? Like a summer firefly lighting the sky?
No worries.

Setting forth some goals:
1. Find eating plan than is doable and likable and one I can stick to.
2. Daily walks.
3. Once a week do a longer walk.
4. Drink more water and less coffee.
5. Explore art that is satisfying and fun.
6. Type goals and put on mirror.
7. Read daily.

Last night Dan and I walked up the hill and back. 1 mile
Lovely weather in morning and evening.
No excuses!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Saturday Aug 14

So I was telling my daughters that I might rename my blog to "365 reasons I can't walk today". I only walked one day any distance this week. Pathetic.
Here's my first excuse...but it's a good one...my hip hurts. Lately I am not able to even lay on either side without pain. When I take Advil it helps for a while. Yesterday it even hurt my hips to lay on my back, so I made a dr. appt to see if my arthitis is getting worse.
The mornings and evenings have been perfect for walking...maybe I need to think about swimming while I get my hip better. (ok, 'think about' usually means just that...think...probably won't do it)
So...if nothing else, I hope to keep my blog honest.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Week of August 8

Accountability....another reason I began this blog! It's been a little tougher this week getting going.
On Sunday, Dan and I went downtown to see what was left of Hot August Nights. We parked and walked a good mile, but didn't see much as most people had packed up and left. Next year we won't wait so long.
Monday evening we walked a mile up the street. Weather was perfect...but I was still quite out of breath. I received a wonderful suggestion from my good friend Barbie B. about having a goal for my walking. I think she is right, my overall goal of feeling better is not enough to drive me out the door. Note to self...come up with a reachable goal!
Tuesday evening we changed up our route and walked around the neighborhood, one mile.
Wednesday morning...shortened walk, out of breath.
Thursday we drove to Tahoe and walked the sandy beach at Sand Harbor. We did more sunning than walking though.
Wish I could say I walked Friday and Sat...but alas...it was stormy...strong winds, lightning, hail and torrential rain. No wait...I was just lazy...
Let's hope for a better week next...and meanwhile I'll think of some practical goals.
(p.s. the next couple of days are going to be in the triple digits...seriously...so I need to get out early in the morning)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Finishing week one.

So, Friday morning walked slightly over a mile. We also went swimming for about 40 minutes. I use the term "swim" loosely...I actually just tried to keep moving...and did a lot of arm movements with water resistance. My shoulders were a little sore...so I guess that means I worked them!
Saturday morning we walked a mile up the street. A relatively pleasant walk...which means I think we have to push a little more.
Over all I have much more energy...even went to Jo Ann Fabrics last night...and I'm getting tired of tv. It's a good thing!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Week of August 1

This blog is inspired by a woman my age (62) who is training to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro next month. Her name is Marlene...and she is tenacious and very inspiring, and I wish her the very best in her adventure.
I have started over so many times in my life...let's hope this new start will stick. For the previous year, I've done basically nothing...nada...zero...zip...as far as excercise. Just walking from the living room to the kitchen has been a chore.
My husband and I moved here to the high desert one year ago. It's been an adjustment getting use to the altitude, which is around 4200 feet.
After coming home from a trip back east, and feeling inspired, I decided it was time to start living again...and get moving!
On Monday I drove to the Marina and walked all the way around...which people say is one mile...but it felt like 5. I had to stop twice, and my left foot started to complain a little, but I made it.
Tuesday, Dan (my husband) and I walked up the street in our neighborhood. We took the dog, which was a mistake...too much sniffing and pulling at the leash. But we did manage almost a mile.
Wednesday, Dan and I walked (sans dogs) up the street and made it a mile. The bunyan on my left foot didn't like it much...but we felt good. It was shady and there was a lovely breeze.
Thursday we took the dogs off leash and walked the trail behind our apt. complex. It was a good walk, but no shade and too late in the morning...a little warm. Thought our little Buster would never stop panting...poor thing.
We hope to do walking twice a day once we get going a bit. For variety...we're also hoping to swim as well.
For two couch potatos...this is a great start.