Sunday, September 5, 2010

Truckee Art Festival

It's a double post for today! I am so proud of myself...this morning I marched up the hill and back in 21 minutes...and that's stopping 1/2 way. It's a mile.

Then this afternoon we drove up to Truckee for the Art Festival. The town was crowded, but the art tents weren't bad.

I found a woman who made jewelery out of antique buttons...very cool. There were the usual potters and painters and other jewelers. Nothing very unique. We did quite a bit of walking.

Interstate 80 was one lane going back to Reno, so we decided to take 89 up to Tahoe. We didn't know that we'd drive right past Squaw we took a quick pic of the entrance and olympic flame.

There must have been hundreds of folks tubing down the Truckee River! At last we made it to Tahoe! A fun Sunday afternoon.

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