Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ready, Set, Go!

The Reno International Air Races have been here all week, and it's quite the event. Pilots from all over the world have come to compete, and there are only a little over 200 that even qualify to fly here.

So...why the pic? Because as of Friday, I have the green light to go ahead and keep walking! Yay!
The Stress Test made me sick, and I was a little wiped out Thursday, and yesterday. But, today's another day!

By the way...the flag man in this photo is only the second man to have the job in 47 years of the event.

And just for good measure, here is a photo of the famous Camel Races in Virginia City. Apparently the fun is that the camels don't always go the way the rider wants them to.

So...I'm off to my race to get fit!

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