Wednesday, September 1, 2010

August in review

After adding up the miles, I walked a total of 15 for the month of August. That's 15 more than I walked in the month of July, which was 0.

I'm beginning to feel energy return, which is wonderful. My right quad is really getting stronger, and that's a relief. I was getting a little tired of walking around like a weeble wobble. I see a lot of elderly people walking like know, like one leg is shorter than the other.

We took the doggies to the dog park yesterday, and they were in heaven! With all their ailments, plus the hot weather, they had not been since June. I usually sit and watch them, but yesterday I walked around the perimeter four times. Doggies followed sniffing and looking happy with grins on their little faces.

The photo is from the woods near Tahoe taken this summer. I would title it "The Green Cathedral".

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