Monday, October 4, 2010


Poor little tree...RIP.

So, the only thing I have to report is walking around the Lazyboy showroom yesterday and finding a new chair. I've been sitting in a maple glider for a couple of years, and I have such difficulty getting out of it...because it moves. Also, my daughter noticed that the wooden arms push in on my hip. Eureka...could that be the cause of my hip pain?

Hopefully I'll know for sure as I get use to this new chair. One thing I really like about it, besides the reclining feature, is that it is high off the ground....and therefore getting out of it is very easy!

The weather has completely changed to fall, after last weeks record breaking heat. It rained yesterday, and thunder stormed last night. More rain forecast for the next several days. The temperature has dropped nearly 40 degrees.

I see my new doc on Wednesday, and also the cardiologist. Maybe then I'll feel confident to start walking again...if not I'll have to rename my blog....Orajnamilik not walking. Peace.

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