Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pah Rah again

"Pah Rah" is a Paiute term which translates roughly to "Lake Mountain".

We stopped by this afternoon and took a 15 minute walk. It was 72 degrees with a slight breeze and perfect for walking. There were several birthday parties going on, but not too many people walking.

We were both a little sore from yesterday, because in addition to our walk at the park, we walked around 2 very large casinos.

We were married 5 years ago at what was once the largest casino in the world. It is now the Grand Sierra Resort...and it's still big! It was fun to go back, see the little chapel where we married, and win money at black jack. Enough money to have an awesome dinner at Charlie Parker's Steakhouse!

Another view of the park.

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