Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tuesday's walk

Pah Rah again. Need to take the camera again as the trees are really turning and the park is so pretty! Last night we didn't get over there till around 5, and the sun was back lighting the turning trees. Would have made some great photos. I'll take the camera today.

We walked 25 minutes at a nice pace and I'm sure it was a little over a mile. Now we need to start pushing ourselves...we can do more!

Hope you're having a wonderful day!

Monday, October 18, 2010


My daughter asked me this morning if I take the photos I post here. Yes, I do about 99%. This one however, I did not take. It shows a blanket of fog over Truckie Meadows, as viewed from elevation. On the ground, visibility was a couple of blocks, not bad. It all lifted by mid morning.

The pungent smell of sagebrush hung heavy in the air after yesterday's rain. I think we broke the average rainfall for the month of October in Reno.

Now for walking...Dan and I went to our newest favorite park and walked a good mile in 20 minutes. Felt good. And we remembered to stretch first...ahhhh.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pah Rah again

"Pah Rah" is a Paiute term which translates roughly to "Lake Mountain".

We stopped by this afternoon and took a 15 minute walk. It was 72 degrees with a slight breeze and perfect for walking. There were several birthday parties going on, but not too many people walking.

We were both a little sore from yesterday, because in addition to our walk at the park, we walked around 2 very large casinos.

We were married 5 years ago at what was once the largest casino in the world. It is now the Grand Sierra Resort...and it's still big! It was fun to go back, see the little chapel where we married, and win money at black jack. Enough money to have an awesome dinner at Charlie Parker's Steakhouse!

Another view of the park.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Pah Rah Mountain Park

The park was named after the nearby mountain range.
What a great place to walk! We first took the doggies, and they did pretty well on the leash, but we didn't feel like we got a good walk. So we took them home and came back to walk without them. We had a great 25 minute walk. It was starting to get a little warm, but there were enough spots of shade to cool us off.

The neat thing is that besides the big park, there is a walkway through a neighborhood. It has the same wide sidewalk, trees and grass, only their are neighbors on the left and right of the walk.

The jets were busy making contrails, so the sky
had quite a few clouds.

Here's a nice view of the sidewalk at the park. It looks a little like the greenway I was talking about.

This is a nice view of Mt. Rose in the distance. You can still see some snow from last week.

I'm feeling back on track! Yay me!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Dan and I walked over at a park very near our apartment, Pah Rah park. It's a really nice big park with several playgrounds, tennis courts, 2 horseshoe pits, 2 volleyballs courts, picnic pavillions and lots of open grass spaces. I'll post some pics tomorrow.

There is a nice wide sidewalk and lots of trees for shade...don't know why we didn't walk there sooner. Better late than never! Cool...feels good to get back to walking.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Snow in the Sierras

So the doc said that I basically need to "eat less and exercise more". Really? I hadn't thought of that...

But enough sarcasm...he's right of course. I have lost around 12 pounds. It's a start. I'm sure as I continue to tweak my diet...and start will keep coming off.

It's a bit of an adjustment going from 95 degree weather to 50's. This morning it was in the 40's.

Stay with me people...I'll get this going. Peace

Monday, October 4, 2010


Poor little tree...RIP.

So, the only thing I have to report is walking around the Lazyboy showroom yesterday and finding a new chair. I've been sitting in a maple glider for a couple of years, and I have such difficulty getting out of it...because it moves. Also, my daughter noticed that the wooden arms push in on my hip. Eureka...could that be the cause of my hip pain?

Hopefully I'll know for sure as I get use to this new chair. One thing I really like about it, besides the reclining feature, is that it is high off the ground....and therefore getting out of it is very easy!

The weather has completely changed to fall, after last weeks record breaking heat. It rained yesterday, and thunder stormed last night. More rain forecast for the next several days. The temperature has dropped nearly 40 degrees.

I see my new doc on Wednesday, and also the cardiologist. Maybe then I'll feel confident to start walking again...if not I'll have to rename my blog....Orajnamilik not walking. Peace.